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TUESDAY 12.7.16
19.00-... Courtyard of Saint Mark's Basilica, Heraklion
Reading marathon of Travelling Spain
Coordinated by Nikos Psilakis.
"One night in Amari, Crete, someone began reading 'Travelling' out loud by lamplight. He enjoyed the book, but his eyes grew tired. Someone else took the book and continued reading, and then a third. By dawn, they had read it to the end..."
[Letter by Pantelis Prevelakis to Nikos Kazantzakis]

19.00-21.00 A soiree titled “Travelling... Spain with Nikos Kazantzakis”
19.00-19.10 Addresses.
19.10-19.20 Georges Stassinakis, “Nikos Kazantzakis the traveller”.
19.20-19.40 Dr Nikos Mathioudakis, “Spain: a literary voyage in words and images”.
19.40-20.00 Dr Anna Rosenberg, “Kazantzakis as a correspondent during the Spanish Civil War”.
20.00-20.20 Efi Boukouvala-Clontza, “Kazantzakis-Greco: 'the asceticism of self-transcendence”
20.20-20.40 Dr Helena González Vaquerizo, “KAZANTZAKIS: El alma española. A journey to Spain and Spanish poetry”.
20.40-21.00 Antonio Ramírez Almanza, “Juan Ramon Jimenez. Travel and Poetry”.

21.00-22.30 “Don Quixote”
Dramatic performance staged by the pupils of the primary school and adolescents from Myrtia. Supervisor-teacher: Vaggelis Dermitzakis.
21.00-21.30 “Arriba España”
Flamenco dance event inspired by the different views of the Spanish Civil War. With Eurydice Dimitriadi (dance) and Petros Mavromatids (direction).
21.30-23.00 "With Branches of Dream”
A musical journey to the Spain of Kazantzakis, Lorca and Hadjidakis.
With Myrto Georgiadi (vocals), Yiannis Idomeneos (vocals), Lily Daka (piano) and Michalis Virvidakis (narrator).
THURSDAY 14.7.16
18.00-20.00 “Playing in a Spanish neighbourhood”
Traditional Spanish games.
18.00-20.00 "We made... tiles!"
Ceramic workshop for children from 6-12 years, with the ceramist Eva Zervaki.
Pre-registration required.
18:00-19.30 Spanish Cinema for children
21.00-21.30 “Arriba España”
Flamenco dance event inspired by the different views of the Spanish Civil War. With Eurydice Dimitriadi (dance) and Petros Mavromatids (direction).
21.00-22.15 “Music parallels between Crete and Spain”
Presentation of local musical idioms of the Mediterranean with Stelios Petrakis, Efren Lopez and Bijan Chemirani.
22.30-24.00 “PARALLEL JOURNEYS. Laments and passion in the songs of Crete and Andalusia”
Cretan kondylies and cantes jondos with Dimitris Sgouros (lyra, lyraki, vocals), Dimitris Sideris (lute and vocals), Stelios Sykakis (lute, vocals) and Yiannis Papatzanis (percussion, vocals) – CRETE and Jose Parrondo (vocals) and Roland Hoffmann (guitar) - SPAIN
FRIDAY 15.7.16
18.00-20.00 “Playing in a Spanish neighbourhood”
Traditional Spanish games.
18.00-19.00 “Once upon a time, in a Spanish village...”
Creative storytelling for children aged 4 to 7, with the animatrice Stella Marinaki.
Pre-registration required.
18:00-19.30 Spanish Cinema for children
21.00-21.30 “Passion and nothing”
Dance drama based on bull worshipping in Spanish culture, with Eurydice Dimitriadi (matador), Sakis Dimopoulos (bull) and Petros Mavromatidis (narrator, director).
21.30-23.00 “The Stoplight Don Quixote”
Musical-dramatic performance, staged by the Centre for Classical Drama and Spectacle of Panteion University.
Director: Yiangos Andreadis.
23:30-01.00 Spanish Cinema
Summer showing of the film “Blancanieves”, Pablo Berger, 2012
SATURDAY 16.7.16
18.00-20.00 "Playing in a Spanish neighbourhood”
Traditional Spanish games.
18.00-20.00 “Following Domenicus Theotokopoulos”
Artistic workshop for children aged 7 to 11, with artist Katia Papaspiliopoulos and digital media artist Marilena Kouvidis.
Pre-registration required.
19.00-20.00 “Don Quixotes”
Children's theatre by the 'Lamba' drama troupe.
21.00-21.30 “Arriba España”
Flamenco dance event inspired by the different views of the Spanish Civil War, with Eurydice Dimitriadi (dance) and Petros Mavromatidis (direction).
21.30-23.00 “Lorca the Evangelist”
Poems by Federico Garcia Lorca set to music by: Stamatis Kraounakis, Yiannis Glezos, Christos Leontis, Manos Hadjidakis, Mikis Theodorakis.
Performers: Tassis Christoyiannopoulos (baritone), Ioanna Forti (Mezzo Soprano).
Recitation: Ourania Basli (actress)
Conductor: Christos Leontis.
SYNDAY 17.7.16
18.00-20.00 “Playing in a Spanish neighbourhood”
Traditional Spanish games.
18.00-20.00 “A bull made of clay”
Ceramics workshop for children aged 6 to 12, with the ceramist Eva Zervaki.
Pre-registration required.
18.30-21.00 Gastronomic journeys to the Iberian Peninsula
With the Culinary Institute of Crete.
19.00-20.00 “Don Quixotes”
Children's theatre by the 'Lamba' drama troupe.
21.00-21.30 “Passion and nothing”
Dance drama based on bull worshipping in Spanish culture, with Eurydice Dimitriadi (matador), Sakis Dimopoulos (bull) and Petros Mavromatidis (narrator, director).
21.30-23.00 "Miradas Flamencas"
Flamenco spectacle with Francisco Mesa Rodriguez, Monica Hidalgo Morales, Mercedes Jimenez Cortés and Jordi Albarran Flores.