On May 25, 2024, an International Meeting-Conference entitled "Europe of the Greats. A Europe-wide network of Illustrious Personalities’ Homes". The initiative belonged to the National Association of Case della Memoria, which is a network of 101 house-museums in Italy.

The aim was "to create a network to promote awareness, economic development and tourist attraction of the Houses of Illustrious Personalities", as characteristically stated by Mr. Adriano Rigoli, President of the Association and President of the Commission for Literary Museums and Composers' Museums ( ICLM) of the International Council of Museums (ICOM).

The Conference touched upon issues closely related to museums, such as the challenge of increasing the number of visits to rural museums, discussed possibilities for promoting literary tourism through specially adapted tourist packages, presented good practices and examples of respective museum networks, and decided to create a special web portal dedicated to the places of culture and memory that belong to the European Network of Houses of Eminent Personalities.

The Nikos Kazantzakis Museum participated online in the Meeting-Conference with the presentation "The Nikos Kazantzakis Museum. A hidden gem in the middle of Crete" by Paraskevi Vasiliadi, Curator of Collections and Deputy Director of the Museum.

The Nikos Kazantzakis Museum is a full member of the International Council of Museums and the International Committee of Museums of Writers and Composers. In 2015 together representatives of Museums-Houses of Great Writers, Composers and Artists from Italy, Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, Russia, Croatia, Germany and Hungary signed the Cooperation Protocol of Houses-Museums of Europe.